Research Interests
Twentieth-century British women's writing; WWII-era British women's fiction; food and culture; women's and gender studies.
"Volunteerism: Its Impact on Personal Development and Educational Experience", Currents in Teaching and Learning - 2016
Collaborators: R. J. Harnish; K. R. Bridges
“Maidenhood, Mourning, and Old English meowle” - 2015
Collaborator: Lisi Oliver, Co-Author
Review of Food Chains: From Farmyard to Shopping Cart - 2013
"‘At least I get my dinners free’: Transgressive Dining in Marghanita Laski’s To Bed with Grand Music", Modern Fiction Studies - 2013
"Experience Required: Service, Relevance, and the Scholarship of Application" - 2010
"Consumption Asunder: Woolf, Dunmore, and the Mind/Body Split" - 2010
Food and Femininity in Twentieth-Century British Women's Fiction - 2009
"Nostalgic Appetites: Female Desire and Wartime Rationing in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts and Noel Streatfeild's Saplings" - 2009
Review of Reading Virginia Woolf, Woolf Studies Annual - 2008
"Austerity, Consumption, and Postwar Gender Disruption in Mollie Panter-Downes's" One Fine Day", Journal of Modern Literature - 2008
The Reader's Body: Reader Response and the Consuming Body in Helen Dunmore's Talking to the Dead, Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory - 2006
Luncheon at “The Leaning Tower”: Consumption and Class in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts, Women's Studies - 2005
Review of The Devil’s Workshop, Cold Mountain Review - 2004
“The Maria Jackson Letters: Woolf and Familial Discourses of Embodiment” , Virginia Woolf Miscellany - 2004
Review of The Siege, Cimarron Review - 2003
Review of Exquisite Corpse 11 - 2002
Contemporary American Women Fiction Writers: An A-Z Guide - 2002
Contemporary American Women Poets: An A-Z Guide - 2002
Review of Notes from the Cistern - 2001
"Virginia Woolf's Revision of a Shavian Tradition" , SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies - 2001
(This tool is not a murder device) - 2000
Iconography - 2000
seven colored panes of moment - 2000
You dream the drownings - 2000
Review of Long Song Water Pond - 1999
Sparks, Sparking - 1999
Review of Into the Peculiar Dark - 1998
Review of Wallet - 1998
Consider the Opening - 1998
Down the Road - 1998
If You Call an Angel Angel, Will It Bare Its Wings and Fly? - 1998
Kydyby byly v prdeli ryby, nebyly by rybniky - 1998
The Obvious Octave - 1998
Beyond What Happened: When Narrative Isn't Enough (A Letter to Virginia Woolf) - 1996
bite to eat place: an anthology of contemporary food poetry and poetic prose - 1995
Collaborators: Donald Vallis; Anne Walker
Review of Music in the Key of C, Part 5 - 1995
Candle Child - 1995
Carpentry - 1995
Cormorants - 1995
Man Resembling a Hexagram - 1995
Once Upon a Time - 1995
Salt Eater - 1995
Someone Had to Eat It - 1995
Under an Arbor I Imagine Your Vegetables - 1995
Improv - 1994
26 and Single - 1994
Autism - 1994
Conversation With the Dowager - 1994
Hands - 1994
Heatwave - 1994
Leaves - 1994
Little Wants - 1994
Oral Fixation - 1994
Pulling Away: Four Directions - 1994
Someone Had to Eat It - 1994
State Route 99 - 1994
The Rest of It - 1994
Cantaloupe - 1993
Footbridge - 1993
Improvisation - 1993
Kinetics - 1993
You Can't Share a Memory - 1993
PhD, English Literature, Louisiana State University
MFA, Creative Writing (poetry) and Literature, Mills College
BA, English, California State University, Fresno